Cooperative and antagonistic reactions of heavy metallic elements and its impact on health that are supplemented with selenium and zinc in Kurdi sheep


  • Zirak M R Palani Ph.D. in Animal Physiology, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Karzan A. Ahmed Animal Science Department, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Marwan H. A. Al-Obaidy Department of Public Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kirkuk, Iraq
  • Dilsher M R Palani Animal production department, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Garmian, Kalar, Sulaimanyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


iron, copper, molybdenum, manganese


The purpose of present study was to determine the variations  in the levels of Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Molybdenum and Manganese in the serum of Kurdi sheep  and to compare the age difference in the levels of minerals between lambs and rams that are supplemented with Selenium and Zinc individually or their combination.It was on two experiences.The males of the Kurdi sheep from lambs and rams for four coefficients each as follows; First Treatment: (control) without adding, Second Treatment: added Selenium with a dose of 0.5 mg /kg fed,Third Treatment: added Zinc with a dose of 100 mg /kg fed, Fourth Treatment: added Selenium with Zinc with a dose of 0.5 + 100 mg/kg fed, then they were given gelatinous capsules daily for 60 days.Selenium and Zinc supplementation and their combination led to significant increase in the Selenium and Zinc concentration in the blood serum of lambs and Rams. Selenium, Zinc and their combinationsignificantly contributed to changes in the analysed minerals (Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Copper Molybdenum and Manganese).


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How to Cite

Palani, Z. M. R., Ahmed, K. A., Al-Obaidy, M. H. A., & Palani, D. M. R. (2022). Cooperative and antagonistic reactions of heavy metallic elements and its impact on health that are supplemented with selenium and zinc in Kurdi sheep. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S2), 5236–5246.



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