Effect of moral distress on professional quality work among nurses in intensive care units



  • Murtadha Kudhair Al-Turfi MSc student, University of Baghdad / College of Nursing, Bab Al Muadham, Baghdad, Iraq, Postal Code: 10047
  • Mohammed Baqer Al-Jubouri Assist Prof. Dr., University of Baghdad/ College of Nursing, Iraq


Moral distress, Professional quality work, ICU nurses


Background: Moral distress, as one of the most important issues in the nursing profession, can negatively affect the healthcare system. Purpose: To examine the effect of moral distress on professional quality work life. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study a non-probability sampling method used and total sample collected was (126) of ICU nurses. Results: Moral distress, BO, STS, and, CS among ICUs nurses were moderate. Conclusion: Nurses in ICUs suffered from moderate MD which that effected their BO and STS, and the result can be negative effects on quality of care. Although MD did not affect nurses' CS, it is still an important issue that nurses may face in ICUs



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How to Cite

Al-Turfi, M. K., & Al-Jubouri, M. B. (2022). Effect of moral distress on professional quality work among nurses in intensive care units. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S1), 8632–8643. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS1.6505



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