Knowledge relationship of pregnant women Primigravida and completeness of ANC visit with anxiety levels of mothers facing childbirth


  • Muldaniyah Institute of Health Science Graha Edukasi, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Ummi Kaltsum S. Saleh Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
  • Rajia Institute of Health and Technology Buton Raya, Baubau, Indonesia
  • Neny Yuli Susanti Ibrahimy University


Knowledge, Pregnant Women, Primigravida, ANC visit equipment


Routine pregnancy check-ups are very important so that problems experienced by pregnant women can be found as early as possible and can be overcome, before they develop into a danger to both the mother and the baby. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge of primigravida pregnant women and the completeness of ANC visits with the level of maternal anxiety facing childbirth. The type of research used is a cross sectional study. The sample in this study were pregnant women in the third trimester who experienced anxiety during the fasting month as many as 59 people with purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the chi-square analysis, p = 0.012 is smaller than = 0.05, which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus there is a relationship between knowledge and the level of maternal anxiety facing childbirth. Based on the results of the chi-square analysis, p = 0.024 is smaller than = 0.05, which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, there is a relationship between the completeness of ANC visits and the level of maternal anxiety facing childbirth.


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How to Cite

Muldaniyah, M., Saleh, U. K. S., Rajia, R., & Susanti, N. Y. (2022). Knowledge relationship of pregnant women Primigravida and completeness of ANC visit with anxiety levels of mothers facing childbirth. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S1), 10184–10192.



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