The influence of digital creative technologies on the development of education and medicine


  • Nikitenko Vìtalina Engineering educational and scientific Institute named after Y.M. Potebnya of Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine
  • Voronkova Valentyna Engineering educational and scientific Institute named after Y.M. Potebnya of Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine
  • Shapurov Olexandr Engineering educational and scientific Institute named after Y.M. Potebnya of Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine
  • Ryzhova Iryna Zaporizhzhzha University, Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic, Ukraine
  • Oleksenko Roman Dmytro Motornyi Tavria state agrotechnological University, Ukraine


digital technologies, education, human health, medicine, technology convergence


A concise and factual abstract The purpose of scientific research is to trace the patterns of change in the development of education and medicine and justify the direction in which they will develop so that people will be ready for rapid change, and education prepares professionals capable of implementing new digital technologies that improve human health. The methodology of the study is to use such methods as analysis and synthesis, categorical analysis, comparative analysis, sociological method, and other methods of scientific knowledge. The purpose of the study was to identify patterns of change in the development of medicine and education due to the impact on them of digital technology. The article reveals the content and essence of digital technologies, which are introduced in medicine, require training in the provision of medical care; analyzes the directions of development of medicine in the context of philosophical reflection,  and tests the effectiveness of their use. The practical significance of the study lies in the philosophical understanding of the interaction between education and medicine, according to which the future of our civilization, based on cellular medicine, the discovery of stem cells, which are developed using modern technology and new standards of medicine.


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How to Cite

Vìtalina, N., Valentyna, V., Olexandr, S., Iryna, R., & Roman, O. (2022). The influence of digital creative technologies on the development of education and medicine. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 699–708.



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