Cognitive regulation of independent knowledge management in the training of the educational psychologist


  • Oscar Fabián Moncayo Carreño Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Ecuador
  • Gladys Pérez Torres Universidad de Granma. Cuba
  • Manuel Liborio Chong Cruz Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Ecuador
  • Emilio Alberto Yong Chang Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Ecuador


model, didactic, management, knowledge, professional, relevance


The article presents the results of the research in which a didactic model for the independent management of knowledge with a professional approach is elaborated as a theoretical contribution. The didactic model contains the representation of the essential characteristics of the process aimed at activating learning towards independent knowledge management, with a dynamic character, based on dialectic relations of coordination and subordination among the subsystems and components that integrate it. It has a systemic nature that integrates the subsystems: Procedural cognitive conditioning, Cognitive logical reconstruction, and Cognitive regulation, from whose relations, dynamized by the research method of reflexive cooperation, and the resulting quality is the professional relevance of this process. In the logic followed for its elaboration, the relationship between the components of the teaching-learning process (objective, content, form, method, evaluation) is systematized in the first place, as an expression of its dynamics; in addition to the unity of the instructive, educational, developmental; the theory-practice link, the unity of the cognitive and affective, as well as the requirements for a developmental teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Carreño, O. F. M., Torres, G. P., Cruz, M. L. C., & Chang, E. A. Y. (2022). Cognitive regulation of independent knowledge management in the training of the educational psychologist. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S2), 14537–14550.



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