Awareness and willingness to participate in domestic waste disposal in Mumbai Region


  • Maryam Hanzala Tariq Assistant Professor, A.I.’s Allana Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai
  • Bernadette D’Silva Director , A.I.’s Allana Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai
  • Faiza Lala Student, A.I.’s Allana Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai


awareness, domestic waste disposal, safe disposal, willingness


Domestic waste disposal is considered to be one the causes of environmental pollution and can be associated to various health problems. Proper waste management and disposal of household waste is a major concern of many people. Research Objective: The objective of this survey was to assess the level of awareness and to identify the willingness to change towards the domestic waste disposal amongst the people. Research Design: An exploratory research was done using a semi-structured questionnaire. Using simple random sampling method, a total of 204 respondents were studied. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software. Findings: In the study 84.8% were aware of the term Domestic waste disposal Management while the rest 15.2 % were not aware at all of the term. Around 51.5% says that they have been given proper education on the domestic waste disposal. About 64.2% responded by saying that are very well aware that domestic waste requires a special treatment before disposal rest of the study population were not familiar with its’ proper disposal. 


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How to Cite

Tariq, M. H., D’Silva, B., & Lala, F. (2022). Awareness and willingness to participate in domestic waste disposal in Mumbai Region. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S4), 5163–5173.



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