The effect of sensory marketing in enhancing customer loyalty by mediating marketing knowledge, survey research in a group of large single market in Baghdad
Sensory marketing, marketing knowledge, customer loyalty, knowledge of the marketing mixAbstract
The research aims to measure the effect of sensory marketing (visual marketing, audio marketing, olfactory marketing, taste marketing, tactile marketing) in enhancing customer loyalty (behavioral loyalty, situational loyalty, perceptual loyalty) and the mediating role of marketing knowledge (product knowledge, price knowledge, promotion knowledge knowledge of distribution, knowledge of employees, knowledge of physical evidence, knowledge of the process) in a group of large single market markets in Baghdad and the researcher chose it because of the challenges faced by large single market in satisfying the customer and maintaining it as a permanent visitor and enhancing his loyalty, and the research problem was identified with a main question (How much The effect of sensory marketing in enhancing customer loyalty to large single markets by mediating marketing knowledge) in addition to several sub-questions centered on the nature of the relationship between the variables. (300) customers from the markets.
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