Short rest application reduce workload and musculoskeletal complaints public transportation driver



comfortable, ergonomics, short rest, weight, workloads


It was needed an ergonomic work system to increase productivity for the vehicle driver work systems involves a lot of physical activity. Regarding preliminary observations, it showed the work system that was implemented still has shortcomings, unlike the work organization. Therefore, it needs to be prioritized to be improved. It becomes healthier, safer, more comfortable, and more productive. The driver’s work system improvement was carried out with an ergonomics approach. The study design used was the same subject design with ten people sample for each group. The study focused on the application of short rest with indicators of workload and musculoskeletal excitability before and after the short rest application. Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded. The short rest application reduced the workload of vehicle drivers 28% from the category of moderate workloads to being moderate and reducing musculoskeletal complaints 42.21%.


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How to Cite

Sutapa, I. K. (2019). Short rest application reduce workload and musculoskeletal complaints public transportation driver. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(2), 52–58.



Research Articles