Build recommendations nitrogen fertilization with the development of the period of durian crop replanting


  • Made Suarta Agriculture Faculty Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • I Nengah Suaria Agriculture Faculty Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati Agriculture Faculty Warmadewa University, Indonesia


Correlation, Durian, Fruit crops, Leaf analysis, Nitrogen fertilizer


The growing period of fruit crops requires nutrients for growth and development; this is very important in the physiology of fruit crops. Durian plants in determining the fruit harvest are largely determined by the process of growth development in plants. Leaf budding age is the main factor determining nutrient nutrients status in durian plants (Durio zibethinus Murr.). Durian plants require sufficient nutrients to obtain growth and fruit harvest; leaf analysis can be used as a guide in diagnosing nutrient status and fertilizer recommendations on durian plants. However, standard leaf sampling techniques should be accurately determined. The purpose of this research is to study and to know the proper dosage of fertilizer for durian plants associated with vegetative growth phase of leaf buds after fruit harvest the study was conducted in three locations: Sudaji Village, Munduk Bestala Village, and Sinabun Village, Buleleng Regency, March-November 2016. The leaves in the proper period of use are used as guidelines for fertilization when leaves have the best correlation relationship with period development vegetative plants. Leaf samples are taken periodically after the fruit harvest durian plants. Starting the early shoot period until the dormant buds period, the results showed that the nutrient concentration of nitrogen in leaves decreased with the age of leaf buds, the concentration on the initial leaf buds was higher than the full leaf buds.


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How to Cite

Suarta, M., Suaria, I. N., & Sulistiawati, N. P. A. (2018). Build recommendations nitrogen fertilization with the development of the period of durian crop replanting. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(1), 1–11.



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