Implementation of tourism facilities expansion to hedonism and community imaging


  • A. A. Gde Putra Pemayun Undiknas University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Brata Undiknas University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia


Business activities, Community imagery, Community imaging, Hedonism, Tourism facilities expansion


This study examines "Implementation of Expansion of Tourism Facility to Hedonism and Community Imagery in Kutuh Village Ubud Gianyar. The rapid development of tourism in this region led to land conversion is not unstoppable. The landowners in the village are encouraged to rent to investors. Also, the internal dimension consists of economic capital, is the most important element because economic capital can drive all business activities, whether small, medium, and large capital business. Another aspect is imagery, illustrated through perceptions, cognitions, motivations, and attitudes that take place in individual consumers. Like building luxury homes and showing off luxury cars as one of the imaging of the new rich. On the other hand, the external dimension of rapid tourism progress has implications for hedonists and community imaging Kutuh Ubud Gianyar. The consumer society revolves around symbols and signs. Mass media become miracles in the liturgy of objects, enjoyment is understood as the embodiment of freedom, and the human body is the main consumer object. Another aspect of globalization, the discourse of globalization as a process characterized by the rapid development of science, information technology, and telecommunications will be able to change the world fundamentally. Besides Maslow's hierarchy of needs is an interpretation of the level of human needs represented in the form of a pyramid with a more basic need at the bottom. These needs have a level or hierarchy, ranging from the lowest to the highest (self-actualization). Seeing the problem of life of the community I need Ubud Gianyar as something that needs to be faced and solved, not avoided. The last aspect is the government policy, in the regulation is defined as one of the areas of tourism area in the village of Kutuh Ubud Gianyar. So it is not denied the opportunity of lively people to rent the land for the expansion of tourism and other economic driving business.


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How to Cite

Pemayun, A. A. G. P., & Brata, I. B. (2018). Implementation of tourism facilities expansion to hedonism and community imaging. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 33–42.



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