The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in improvement of Tnf- Α, Hsp 70, Enos, Vegf, collagen 3, and Il 6 protein expression in wound healing


  • Imam Susilo Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty of Universitas Airlangga / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, 60286 Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Anita Devi Division of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar, 80113 Bali, Indonesia
  • Azham Purwandhono Department of Pathology, Faculty Medicine of Universitas Jember, 68121 Jember, Indonesia


hyperbaric oxygen therapy, collagen 3, heat shock protein 70, interleukin 6, wound healing


Wound healing is a progressive physiological process with overlapping stages. Hyperbaric  oxygen therapy increases tissue oxygenation, thereby increasing tissue oxygenation and the formation of H2O2 as the second messenger  of the phosphorylation of tumor necrosis factor α, NOS, VEGF, and nuclear factor β-kappa. This further study aims to determine whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy can increase collagen 3, HSP 70, IL6 expression and wound healing. This study is an animal study using "pre-test and post-test design of a randomized control group". Divided into 4 groups (HBO 2.4 ATA 3x30 minutes, 10 sessions  HBO 2.4 ATA 3x30 minutes, control group without HBO), each group consisted of 7 groups with 28 male rats. Excision of the wound 1x1cm was performed. The distribution of the data was analyzed by SPSS. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increased the expression of Collagen 3 (p=0.04), HSP 70 (p=0.03), IL 6 (p=0.02) and wound healing (p=0.002) with 5 sessions of HBO 2.4 ATA and 10 sessions of HBO 2.4 ATA increased Collage 3 (p=0.02), HSP 70 (p=0.04), L6 expression significantly (p=0.02) but did not significantly improve wound healing (p=0, 3) compared without HBO. 


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How to Cite

Susilo, I., Devi, A., & Purwandhono, A. (2022). The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in improvement of Tnf- Α, Hsp 70, Enos, Vegf, collagen 3, and Il 6 protein expression in wound healing. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S4), 6907–6916.



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