Pending BPJS claim to support the quality of outstanding hospital in Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung


  • Dola Ramalinda Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Encep Yayat Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Cika Hasanah Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Aulia Safhira Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Qori Octaviyani Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Selsa Secillia Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Niken Juandi Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Maheswari Farah Salshabilla Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia


education, health, hospital, pending claims, quality outstanding


The purpose of the study was to determine the efforts made in handling outpatient pending claims. The method used is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The population is all BPJS pending claims for outpatients. The sample was calculated using the solvent formulation and obtained 83 pending outpatient BPJS claim files. Research time in February – April 2022 on the Casemix unit. The results show that the outpatient BPJS claim procedure has been running following the Standard Operating Procedures. The causes of pending BPJS outpatient claims, medical administration as much as 86%, inaccurate diagnosis 8%, and incomplete medical resume 4%. Evaluation of pending BPJS Outpatient claims problems, coordinating each section, and improving section performance.


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How to Cite

Ramalinda, D., Yayat, E., Hasanah, C., Safhira, A., Octaviyani, Q., Secillia, S., Juandi, N., & Salshabilla, M. F. (2022). Pending BPJS claim to support the quality of outstanding hospital in Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(3), 1483–1491.



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