Competency of legal subjects in informed consent as a standard agreement


  • Argo Sudarga Yohanes Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Dola Ramalinda Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Laras Eka Pertiwi Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Amalia Putri Kumalawijaya Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Fedryan Syach Rahmawan Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Sukmawati Nurdin Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Mohamad Febrinur Ilyasa Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Harish Fauzan Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia


competency legal, health, informed consent, standard agreement, subject


The purpose of this study is to describe the process of health care that involves a triad of legal subjects, namely doctors, patients, and hospitals. The relationship between the three legal subjects is placed in a standard contract called informed consent. This research method uses a quantitative approach, which is measured by statistics. Necessary to carry out medical actions, legal subjects are doctors or hospitals, as drafters of agreements that contain the rights and obligations of all parties. The results of the analysis in practice in hospitals indicate an indication of competency gaps between legal subjects. The doctor or hospital must explain as easily as possible to the patient or the patient's family, leading and a complete understanding. Unclear from the patient or the patient's family, on the explanation of the hospital doctor. That informed consent is the legal basis for the rights and obligations of each.


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How to Cite

Yohanes, A. S., Ramalinda, D., Pertiwi, L. E., Kumalawijaya, A. P., Rahmawan, F. S., Nurdin, S., Ilyasa, M. F., & Fauzan, H. (2022). Competency of legal subjects in informed consent as a standard agreement. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(3), 1535–1543.



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