Socioeconomic factors and their relationship with nutritional status in children under 3 years of age in Jipijapa


  • Mirella Dolores Cedeño Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Ecuador
  • Adis Anicia Luna Baez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Ecuador
  • Aida Monserrate Macías Alvia niversidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Ecuador
  • Estrella Marisol Mera Quijije Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Ecuador


anthropometry, families, health in children, malnutrition


Child malnutrition can occur for various reasons and affect the human body in systemic form, with emphasis on children from zero to three years, with unforeseen complications, can be reversible with timely and comprehensive management of a multidisciplinary team. The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between socioeconomic factors and the nutritional status of children under 3 years of age in the First of November citadel of the Jipijapa canton. It is a qualitative study, which used a descriptive and phenomenological methodology, through the use of theoretical methods such as: analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, abstraction; Empirical studies such as the survey carried out on mothers, in addition to interviews with health personnel and statisticians for the mathematical analysis of the results obtained, among them it was evidenced how demographic - socioeconomic factors can negatively affect the nutritional status in children of the canton. Jipijapa for the social conditions of this community studied by students and teachers of the nursing career from the assessment of the nutritional status of children in this age range that was carried out through anthropometric indicators.


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How to Cite

Cedeño, M. D., Baez, A. A. L., Alvia, A. M. M., & Quijije, E. M. M. (2022). Socioeconomic factors and their relationship with nutritional status in children under 3 years of age in Jipijapa. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(1), 497–508.



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