Educational innovation in the comprehensive training of nursing graduates


  • María del Rosario Herrera Velázquez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Adis Anicia Luna Báez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Ariagna Martínez Pérez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Anaysa Alvarez Luna Hospital MSP de Pedro Carbo, Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador


basic training, interdisciplinarity, nursing, specialization, teacher training


Multi and interdisciplinary teamwork was developed on the integration of basic sciences among themselves and their contribution to professional training. Work was done on the identification of essentialities, organization, and structuring of contents according to the requirements and precedence relationships of the Nursing discipline. The general objective was to identify the interdisciplinary relationships between the basic sciences of the nursing career to improve the quality of teaching. A qualitative and descriptive study was carried out through a historical-logical analysis based on documents, syllables, teachers of the basic training semesters, and students. Interviews with teachers and student surveys were applied and it was found that there is a need to develop methodological career work aimed at disciplinary integration. Failures were detected such as an inadequate perception of the students about the role of interdisciplinarity in their training, no planning of methodological career activities that promote interdisciplinarity, dissatisfaction with integration in knowledge-integrating projects, and the need for methodological proposals for the interdisciplinarity from the first year of the degree. Integration of the contents was achieved with an inter and transdisciplinary approach, which is recognized as having a favorable impact on academic success and the quality of teacher training.


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How to Cite

Velázquez, M. del R. H., Báez, A. A. L., Pérez, A. M., & Luna, A. A. (2021). Educational innovation in the comprehensive training of nursing graduates. International Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1), 20–28.



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