Evaluation of the knowledge toward communicable diseases prevention among health workers at In Al-Sadr Medical City in Najaf Governorate\ Iraq



  • Ahmed A. Mohammed Alshamarti M.sc, Student Department of Community Health Techniques, Al Najaf Health Directorate, Iraq
  • Wisam Abdul Ameer Ali Farid PhD. Professor \ Southern Technical University/College of Health & Medical Technology, Department of Community Health Techniques, Basra/Iraq
  • Atheer Kadhim Ibadi PhD. Assistant Professor \ Department of Pharmacy, Kufa Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Kufa, Al-Najaf, Iraq
  • Sabreen Ali Hassouni M.sc, Student Department of Community Health Techniques, Al Najaf Health Directorate, Iraq


knowledge, health workers, communicable diseases, cross-sectional


Communicable diseases represent a severe burden on human life, so control and prevention are essential to maintaining the sustainability of life. Health workers are the first line of defense against these diseases. Poor knowledge and wrong attitudes of health workers can negatively affect efforts to combat infection.The study aims to evaluate the knowledge levels among health workers toward communicable diseases. Also, determine the relationship between dependent and independent variables with participants' levels of knowledge. A cross-sectional analytical study in Al-Sadr Medical City, Najaf Governorate, from mid-November 2021 to the end of June 2022. On 384 health workers who were using a randomly collected self-questionnaire, the data was collected and analyzed using a statistical program. The main results indicate that (66.1%) of the participants are females, the majority of the age group (20-26) years, half of them are married and hold a bachelor's degree, (66.4%) have less than five years of experience, and (35.9%) receive a training course, In terms of profession, (27.3)% were nurses. The results show that (57.2%) had good overall knowledge. it was found that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and training sessions, as for other socio-demographic characteristics, there is no significant association with both knowledge. 


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How to Cite

Alshamarti, A. A. M., Farid, W. A. A. A., Ibadi, A. K., & Hassouni, S. A. (2022). Evaluation of the knowledge toward communicable diseases prevention among health workers at In Al-Sadr Medical City in Najaf Governorate\ Iraq. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S4), 5915–5928. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS4.9485



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