Role of family and community support in the eliminating restraint of persons with mental illness


  • Husmiati Yusuf National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Meiti Subardhini Polytechnic of Social Welfare, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Soetji Andari National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Mery Ganti National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Mari Esterilita Universitas Binawan, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Adi Fahrudin Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Indonesia


community support, education, family, persons with mental illness, restraint


This study aims to identify and analyze the potential and challenges in dealing with cases of shackles for persons with mental disabilities through family support for PDM who has been deprived of shackles, or restraint, or who have been released from shackles, and the community support for families and PDMs who experience shackles, re-sharing, or those who have been released from shackles. This study used the descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques are interviewing focus group discussions and observation. The result of this study found that the average support for families with mental disabilities in pasung is still low but in general, it is in the moderate category. To improve and restore PDM recovery, it is necessary to have the attitude and support of families who are directly involved in handling it, avoiding hostile actions, providing support, warmth, and giving a little criticism. The family has a strategic function in reducing the recurrence rate, increasing independence, living standards, and adaptability to return to society and social life. Family support is an important factor in preventing shackles and re-incarceration.


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How to Cite

Yusuf, H., Subardhini, M., Andari, S., Ganti, M., Esterilita, M., & Fahrudin, A. (2022). Role of family and community support in the eliminating restraint of persons with mental illness. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 987–1000.



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