Fortification of goat milk with purple sweet potato (Ipomea batatas l.) extract and its effects on functional cheese


  • I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Sutarpa Sutama Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Sukada Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Lindawati Doloksaribu Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia


antioxidants, cheese, fortification, goat milk, purple sweet potato


This study was undertaken to analyze the quality of goat milk based cheese particularly its potential high antioxidant content through fortification of goat milk with purple sweet potato extract. A completely randomized design was used to determine the characterization of goat milk based cheese quality through five levels i.e. 0% (A); 2% (B); 4% (C); 6% (D) and 8% w/v (E) of purple sweet potato extract fortification in goat milk. The results showed that the increased level of fortification by purple sweet potato extract in goat milk based cheese significantly increased the pH value of the cheese (P<0.05) where the highest pH was 6.20 at the level of 4%  w/v. Meanwhile, the yield and total of cheese acid were not affected by the fortification. The content of cheese protein significantly decreased (P<0.05) by the increasing level of fortification by purple sweet potato in goat milk. Goat milk-based cheese on the E treatment contained the lowest protein (19.42%). Functional potency of the cheese increased significantly (P<0.05) when the level of fortification was increased. The highest antioxidant content in goat milk based cheese was 114.47 mg/L. GAEAC at 8% w/v level. In conclusion, by increasing fortified goat milk by purple sweet potato extract up to 8% w/v was able to potentially produce cheese containing a high antioxidant.


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How to Cite

Miwada, I. N. S., Sutama, I. N. S., Sukada, I. K., & Doloksaribu, L. (2019). Fortification of goat milk with purple sweet potato (Ipomea batatas l.) extract and its effects on functional cheese. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(2), 8–13.



Research Articles