Analysis of factors affecting tourist decisions in purchasing Babi Guling as Balinese culinary
babi guling, culinary, location, purchasing, tourist decision, womAbstract
Babi guling Bali is a very specific local product that is in great demand by tourists both from within and from abroad. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research related to local products of Babi Guling Bali with the following objectives: (1) To analyze what factors influence the decision of tourists to buy Babi Guling as a Balinese culinary specialty. (2) To analyze how much influence each of these factors has on tourists' decisions to buy pork guling as a Balinese culinary specialty. The sampling technique used in this study was accidental sampling, where the number of samples taken was 100 people. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and factor analysis. The results show that: (1) Product quality, price, promotion, location, and word of mouth are factors that influence tourists' decisions to buy pork guling as a Balinese culinary specialty, where the loading factor value for each indicator is greater. of 0.5.
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