Article Processing Charges
In order to sustain the production of our fully-refereed open access journal, each article accepted for publication in the International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering (IJPSE) is subject to an Article Processing Charge of USD 210. This fee is used to cover the costs of the peer-review process, professional typesetting and copyediting, as well as online hosting, long-term preservation, distribution to libraries and content aggregators worldwide, and extensive promotion to potential readers. There is no submission fee.
Editors and reviewers are not involved in the author payment process and do not discuss charges with authors. The ability to pay does not influence whether or not a manuscript is accepted for publication.
Information regarding payment of these charges will be provided following acceptance for publication. Inquiries concerning Article Processing Charges should be addressed to the Billing Department.
IJPSE does not guarantee any type of indexing, as it solely depends on the indexing authority
Timeline Publication takes intellectual integrity very seriously. The publisher, editors, reviewers, and authors all agree upon the following standards of expected ethical behaviour, which are based on COPES’s Best Practice Guidelines.
The "Article manuscript handling charge" is the only fee. Each article that is published in IJPSE is open-access and immediately accessible online. An "Article manuscript handling fee" makes this feasible. The supply of online tools for editors and authors, the creation and hosting of articles are all included in this. The ‘Article manuscript handling fee’, payable before publication, is charged to you.
* Article Withdrawal*
Articles which are published include errors or are determined to violate the publishing ethics guidelines such as multiple submissions, fake claims of authorship, plagiarism, forceful demand to index articles in directories, fraudulent use of data or the like, maybe “Withdrawn” from the IJPSE with no refund.
Circumstances beyond our control: This may include, for example, where natural or other disasters prevent us from fulfilling our obligations.
Article unavailable on another platform: The IJPSE responsibility is to ensure that the definitive published versions of articles we publish are available on our website, or any successor platform, in ways that are accessible to all. We provide APIs to enable third-party platforms to manage this process themselves or to update their platforms to reflect changes subsequently made to the article, such as author license choice changes, and retractions. IJPSE is not responsible for ensuring third-party repositories maintain accurate metadata and full-text and other directories.
Payment Method
1. Click the PayPal Payment Button below to Pay Now.
2. Save or Screenshot your receipt then send it to the Email Address = (please noted that paper ID must be informed via Email)
3. Your paper will be completely published within 72 hours after paid.