Estimation of the position and potential of aquifers using geo-electrical methods in the framework of drill wells in volcanic areas



aquifer, drilled well, geoelectric, position, potential


Water sources in volcanic areas are rather difficult to obtain. For this reason, a method is needed to determine the existence of a water source. One of them is the Geoelectric method. In this study, the obtained resistivity physical quantities are used to determine the position and calculate the aquifer potential. In this study, three groups of rocks were found, namely, the rock group with resistivity values of 174 Ω.m – 400 Ω.m, this group is thought to have no water, not suitable for drilling. The rock group by resistivity 115 Ω.m - 174 Ω.m, this group is suspected of having water but little, not suitable for drilling. Rock group by the resistivity of 115 Ω.m below, namely at position 115-155 this area is the position of the aquifer, suitable for drilling, in this area, it is suspected that there is an aquifer with an average depth monitored by the tool 16.5 - 42.5 m or a thickness of 26 m. The transmissivity value obtained was 15.47 (m2/day).


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How to Cite

Simpen, I. N. (2022). Estimation of the position and potential of aquifers using geo-electrical methods in the framework of drill wells in volcanic areas. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 6(3), 119–127.



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