Energy planning with renewable energy sources


  • Félix Antonio Solórzano Narváez Empresa Eléctrica CNEL, Flavio Alfaro, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Edgar Iván Moreno Castro Empresa Eléctrica CNEL, Santo Domingo, Manabí, Ecuador


climate change, electricity grids, energy, environment, technologies


The urban energy model is based on imports from external sources. The continuous increase in energy demand due to population growth and development implies increasing resource requirements. The alternative is to use renewable energies that take advantage of urban resources. The diversity of typologies of cities in terms of resources, demands, architectural conditions, infrastructure, or density, makes a specific analysis necessary. This work identifies fourteen factors concerning the planning process that would allow choosing the most appropriate technology for a given city. Through consultation of experts, the existence of the resource is defined as the most prevalent factor, followed by economic conditions; On the other hand, it is detected that environmental aspects such as global warming, eutrophication, or acidification, are the least incidents when selecting technologies.


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How to Cite

Narváez, F. A. S., & Castro, E. I. M. (2021). Energy planning with renewable energy sources. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 5(3), 44–51.



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