Distribution of subsurface anomalies in the Muria Peninsula and depth analysis with euler deconvolution




distribution, euler deconvolution, gravity, Muria, subsurface


Muria Peninsula is one of the regions in Central Java that is uniquely formed. The Muria Peninsula was originally separated from Java and is now connected. To complement the studies that have been done before, subsurface analysis using euler deconvolution method is carried out. Gravity data used is satellite data provided free by BGI. The results of the processing produced a residual anomaly which showed a fault that passed in the middle of the peak of Muria towards Mount Genuk. The anomaly depth of Mt. Muria is 1000 m to 2000 m, in the peak area of Muria and Genuk <1000 m, and in the east and west of the study area the anomaly depth is more than 2000 m. Euler deconvolution index 0 illustrates the body boundaries of Mt. Muria and Genuk in the form of dike and steep.


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How to Cite

Indriana, R. D. (2019). Distribution of subsurface anomalies in the Muria Peninsula and depth analysis with euler deconvolution. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 3(3), 21–30. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijpse.v3n3.355



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