Implementation of adobe captivate program in developing multimedia module for Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest Bali



adobe captivate, Alas Kedaton, implementation, interactive multimedia, multimedia development


This study aimed at 1) implementing an adobe captivate program in developing a multimedia module for Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest Bali, and 2) evaluating the quality of the developed module through a Likert Scale questionnaire. Delphy method proposed by Rusli et al., (2017) is applied by the researchers to conduct step-by-step instructions. The steps are 1) define the instructional goals and learning objectives, 2) investigate the results of existing module, 3) specify the output format, budget, and timeline, 4) determine the content, learning activities, and assessment strategies, 5) develop the evaluation strategies, criteria, and instruments to assess the effectiveness, 6) develop the flowcharts and storyboard, 7) develop the prototype, 8) conduct the formative evaluation, 9) complete the design.  As a result, the module contains some displays. They are 1) Initial display, 2) Menu display, 3) General information display, 4) News display, 5) Events display, 6) Gallery display, 7) Guidelines display, 8) Quiz display, 9) Contact information display. Then, the module was tested in order to determine whether it has good quality or not. 30 respondents were asked to fill the Likert Scale questionnaire.


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How to Cite

Prayoga, I. G. P. A., & Rusli, M. (2019). Implementation of adobe captivate program in developing multimedia module for Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest Bali. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 3(3), 41–48.



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