Identification of the groundwater existence by geoelectrical method


  • I Ketut Sukarasa Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Alit Paramarta Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia


2D geoelectrical method, groundwater, resistivity, Selulung village


Research has been carried out to identify the presence of subsurface water in Selulung Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency using 2D geoelectric methods. The work process of this research is the first to collect data directly by using a geoelectric device with Wenner configuration. Electric currents are injected from the surface to the subsurface through the current electrodes which are put on the earth's surface. The collected data is then processed using the Res2Din software version 3.71.118. The software results in the form of 2D images are direct lateral images of subsurface structures. From the three trajectories identified, namely at the coordinates  8°12'18.7"S 115°16'08.3"E the lowest resistivity value was 178 Ohm m with a depth of 10 m which was thought to be a rock layer with surface water content. On line 2 at coordinates 8°12'16.1"S 115°16'09.7"E the resistivity value is 6 ohm.m up to 660,000 ohm.m, the maximum depth obtained is 24 m. This line is thought to be a water-bearing layer because the value of resistance is low. Line 3 which is in the coordinates 8°12'16.3"S 115°15'50.0"E the distribution of resistivity values varies from 42 - 9,400 Ohm m.


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How to Cite

Sukarasa, I. K., & Paramarta, I. B. A. (2020). Identification of the groundwater existence by geoelectrical method. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 4(2), 36–42.



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