Telecommunications and virtualization in times of pandemic: impact on the electrical engineering career


  • Carlos Zambrano Intriago Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Tony Ivan Quijije Posligua Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador


electrical engineering, higher education, pandemic, TIC, virtualization


With the surprise arrival of Covid-19 at the end of 2019, the course of the world has undergone a 360° change, directly hitting the commercial, business, tourism, and especially the sector educational. This “pandemic” has forced the transfer of classrooms to the homes of students and teachers, bringing with it problems and at the same time solutions to the different aspects and points of their lives outside the student and work environment. Some of these problems lie in personal and family relationships. During all the chaos of the pandemic, Higher Education Institutions have had to adapt to what is known as “virtualization”, leaving aside tasks and face-to-face tasks completely. Thus, a mapping of the strengths and weaknesses of the University sector has been achieved, allowing these strengths to be enhanced to reduce weaknesses and be prepared for the next health emergency. This article tries to highlight the different difficulties that have appeared throughout the migration process from face-to-face to virtual. For this, it has been chosen to carry out surveys to certain students of the electrical engineering career, taking into account their point of view to establish a precedent within the investigation.


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How to Cite

Intriago, C. Z., & Posligua, T. I. Q. (2020). Telecommunications and virtualization in times of pandemic: impact on the electrical engineering career. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 4(3), 38–44.



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