Language phenomena of sago in irrires language


  • Yafet Syufi Universitas Negeri Manokowari, Papua, Indonesia
  • Made Budiarsa Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Simpen Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Made Sri Satyawati Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia


Irrires, language, morphology, Papua, Sago


The current research was a descriptive study which aimed at exploring Irrires language in West Papua, Indonesia. The exploration was conducted to describe language and culture that correlate with sago palm as well as its processing system, especially lexicon of the nouns that correlates with Sago (traditional food from local plant in Papua) in Irrires language. The research was focused on inspecting the language form of the lexicon which influenced by Tambaraw culture phenomena. The researchers have applied Word of Structure in Morphology which constructed nouns as morphological process. The morphological process was inspected through (1) language meaning and form, (2) the wealth of the word that is owned by speakers of the language, and (3) the list of words arranged to identify the type of Sago.  As the results, it is found that there are generic and specific lexicons, such as the sago lexicon, especially the classification between male sago (afes) and female sago (afai). Furthermore, sago stabbing wood (memsug), is also a specific noun which is different from (meckur) which is usually used by most farmers. Meckur is used to grow beans, sweet potatoes, bananas (meney), and sugar cane (meras). Sago also has a navel (agen-gen) which is identical to humans that has a navel.


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How to Cite

Syufi, Y., Budiarsa, M., Simpen, I. W., & Satyawati, M. S. (2019). Language phenomena of sago in irrires language. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 285–293.



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