Economic impacts of craftsman statue on community based tourism development


  • A.A. Gde Putra Pemayun Undiknas University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
  • A.A. Istri Agung Maheswari Undiknas University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia


Economic impact, Economic system, Community-based tourism, Globalization, Human behavior


This study examines the "Economic Impact of Craftsmen Statue on Community Base Tourism Development in Tohpati village Klungkung Bali". The core concept of economic problems is the imbalance between unlimited human needs and the means of satisfying the needs of a limited number. Economics should not be emphasized through the point, but it should be emphasized as an approach to explain human behavior (Gary Becker). The economic system is a means used to regulate all economic activities in society whether done by the government or private in order to achieve prosperity and prosperity together. The Economic system can be divided into three namely: a First capitalist economic system that is all economic activity submitted to the market. Second, the communist economic system is all things governed by the government. The third is a mixed economic system that is a combination of the two economic systems above (capitalist and communist). Indonesia should adopt a mixed economic system because firstly, Indonesia is an emerging country, where market failures often occur due to uneven information or accessibility to transportation and communication facilities. The second is that there are still many Indonesian people are below the poverty line. Thirdly most Indonesians have businesses that are still classified into small and medium enterprises that still can not compete perfectly with a bigger business.


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How to Cite

Pemayun, A. G. P., & Maheswari, A. I. A. (2017). Economic impacts of craftsman statue on community based tourism development. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(3), 59–73.



Research Articles