Human papillomavirus infection
Current global scenario of disease burden and prevention strategies
HPV, cervical cancer, HPV vaccine, HPV epidemiologyAbstract
In the past decade, cervical cancer has increased alarmingly in different parts of the world especially in developing regions. Cervical cancer is caused by persistent infection with high-risk HPV. Interestingly, HPV infection is associated with other cancers also besides cervical carcinoma. Therefore, a proper understanding of epidemiology, pathophysiology,and treatment and prevention strategy is required to combat this commonly occurring cancer. To eliminate cervical cancer from the global map the only strategy is rigorous vaccination in school-going teenage girls. The WHO wants to eliminate HPV by 2030. Its goal is to vaccinate 90% of females by 2025. However, proper awareness and government initiatives are far behind the required drive. Moreover, the low use of cervical cancer screening techniques like Pap smear and visual inspection with acetic acid hindered HPV infection and cervical cancer control in affected countries. In addition, we try to describe the whole pathological cycle of HPV in humans with prominent risk factors that can be a key to control the incidence of HPV-associated cancers. Finally, we showed the significance of the only available strategy to prevent HPV infection- i.e. vaccination.
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