Methodological proposal for piano learning through Ecuadorian music in the conservatories of music of Ecuador, 2022



Ecuadorian music, Ecuadorian rhythms, musical learning, piano, proposal


The research aims to develop a pedagogical proposal that incorporates strategies for learning of traditional Ecuadorian music by learning the piano. This study is of a non-experimental design of the proactive, quantitative and cross-sectional descriptive type, with a sample of twenty students from the educational institution, two questionnaires prepared and validated by expert judgment have been used, applied through the survey technique. The results obtained indicate that 75% of the students have a high command of the piano, and 55% of the students have an average knowledge of the musical themes corresponding to Ecuadorian music. A proposal was achieved that was developed from the adaptation of ten Ecuadorian works that include Ecuadorian musical rhythms such as the corridor, passacaglia and San Juanito. The proposal displays methodological strategies that mark different moments of the learning process: Introduction, Development, Conclusion, Evaluation and Reinforcement. Each one presents specific activities to develop while learning the piano through Ecuadorian music.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Bonilla, A. M. (2022). Methodological proposal for piano learning through Ecuadorian music in the conservatories of music of Ecuador, 2022. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(3), 1623–1636.



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