Relationship between behavioral intention and alcohol consumption


  • Sulma Alina Hing Ruano Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Ailen Galano Estevez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Dilka Leyva Rodriguez Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


alcohol consumption, attitudes, behavioral control, behavioral intention, subjective norms


In recent years, one of the most significant theories to understand the intention of alcohol consumption is the Theory of Planned Behavior that underlies the Theory of Reasoned Action. It has considered necessary to conduct a literature review with the following objective: Determine the relationship between Behavioral Intention and Alcohol Consumption. Because of the theoretical review carried out, it was possible to identify that numerous authors highlight behavioral intention as a subjective probability in which a behavior is connected to an action. The theory postulates have closely linked to behavior, that intention is the function of two basic determinants; one of a personal nature and the other has to do with social influence. The personal factor is the positive or negative evaluation about executing a behavior, this has called "attitude. The social factor is the perception of the social pressure of each individual in order to carry out or not carry out a certain behavior, this factor has called "subjective norm. It has concluded, therefore, that the modification of behavioral intentions could be an option for the development of intervention strategies that have the purpose of preventing the consumption of alcohol.


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How to Cite

Ruano, S. A. H., Estevez, A. G., & Rodriguez, D. L. (2019). Relationship between behavioral intention and alcohol consumption. International Journal of Health Sciences, 3(2), 21–27.



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