Kichwa orality, past and present from the educational, anthropological and cultural perspective


  • David Marinely Sequera Universidad Nacional de Educación, El Cañar, Azogues, Ecuador
  • Nelly Karina Arteaga Quijije Centro de Educación Inicial Augusta Ugalde Alcívar, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Annabell Del Rocio Vera Mendoza Unidad Educativa Francisco Pacheco, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Yeneri Carolina Rivas Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador


anthropology, cultural perspective, education, kichwa orality, learning


The object of the investigation, as a contribution in the educational axis, anthropological and sociocultural was to describe an ephemeral part of the orality of the Inca people and its importance in current education, whose language, Kichwa, remains as a heritage of the ancestral peoples of South America. It begins by presenting the lineage of Kichwa as a language of imperial rank, highlighting the communicative function of the character called Chasqui. Next, the current presence of Kichwa in the world is commented on, especially in Ecuador and its educational institutions. After that, Kichwa orality is highlighted through its myths, rites, and ancestral legends, as well as its mark on the Seventh Art. The Kichwa terms used in Latin America of the 21st century is addressed. The historical-logical analysis and the dialectical method were used as a methodology to investigate the dialectal variant of Kichwañol in Ecuador. Next, the influence of the “colonized” Kichwa indigenous language in the speaking of Cuenca, a beautiful colonial city in southern Ecuador, is discussed. The result was a reflection on the importance of the Kichwa language as a forger of Ecuadorian identity.


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How to Cite

Sequera, D. M., Quijije, N. K. A., Mendoza, A. D. R. V., & Rivas, Y. C. (2022). Kichwa orality, past and present from the educational, anthropological and cultural perspective. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 577–587.



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