An analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic and health aspect in Indonesia


  • Eya Nadia University of Palangkaraya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
  • Mutia Evi Kristhy University of Palangkaraya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
  • Dina Saraswati University of Palangkaraya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
  • Firman Hadi Saputra University of Palangkaraya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia


COVID-19, economic aspect, health aspect, health services, investment, pandemic impact


The aim of this study was to examine and analyze (1) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic aspect of investment activities (2) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health services. This study is descriptive qualitative research that describes the conditions and challenges, in the Economic and Health sector during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period in Indonesia. The article used secondary legal materials, namely books, journals, articles, and other written works originating from both print and internet media, and the phenomena that occurred in the field related to the issues raised. The result indicated that (1) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic aspect emerged the fluctuations in the domestic capital market, due to the PSBB policy which caused the economic sector to collapse; (2) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health aspect caused the decrease in the coverage of most health services, which was seen from the role of health workers and health facilities.


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How to Cite

Nadia, E., Kristhy, M. E., Saraswati, D., & Saputra, F. H. (2022). An analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic and health aspect in Indonesia. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 857–869.



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