The effectiveness of animated videos to improve science process skills and creativity in science learning during COVID-19 pandemic


  • Nurhayati Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Lasmawan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Made Candiasa Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia


animated videos, COVID-19 pandemic, effectiveness level, science learning, science process skills, students creativity


The main objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness level of using animated videos in science learning to improve students’ science process skills and creativity during COVID-19 Pandemic. The research approach used was development research. The subjects involved in the effectiveness test of animated videos were 60 students from the fifth grade of SD Negeri 4 Pringgabaya. The instruments used to obtain data on the effectiveness test results of utilization of animated videos in science learning were in the form of questionnaires. The analytical technique used in this research was descriptive quantitative. The research results showed that the effectiveness of animated videos used in science learning included in the good and excellence categories.


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How to Cite

Nurhayati, N., Lasmawan, I. W., Arnyana, I. B. P., & Candiasa, I. M. (2022). The effectiveness of animated videos to improve science process skills and creativity in science learning during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 942–955.



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