Application of organic and inorganic fertilizer against results onion plants with chillies


  • Made Sri Yuliartini Agriculture Faculty, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • Luh Kartini Agriculture Faculty, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • Anak Agung Ngurah Mayun Wirajaya Agriculture Faculty, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika Agriculture Faculty, Warmadewa University, Indonesia


chili, inorganic fertilizer, intercropping shallots, onion plants, organic fertilizer


Intercropping is a crop cultivation system where more than one plant is planted in one planting area, this is used to maximize land function and increase farmers' income. The aim of the study was to obtain the response of growth and yield of intercropping to reducing doses of inorganic fertilizers with organic fertilizers, in order to obtain the optimal dosage mix.  The research was conducted in rice fields in Subak Rapuan, Banjar Tarukan, Mas Village, Ubud, Gianyar. This experiment is a factorial experiment with a Randomized Block Design (RAK) which consists of two factors, namely organic fertilizer kerambitan agro (K) consisting of 4 levels: K0 = 0 ton.ha-1;  K1 = 10 ton.ha-1 ; K2 = 20 ton.ha-1; K3  = 30 ton.ha-1and the dose of NPK Mutiara fertilizer consisted of 3 levels, namely N1= 100 kg.ha-1 ; N2= 200 kg.ha-1 N3=  300 kg.ha-1 . The results showed that the interaction of organic fertilizers with inorganic fertilizers had no significant effect (P≥0.05) on all observed variables. 


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How to Cite

Yuliartini, M. S., Kartini, L., Wirajaya, A. A. N. M., & Mahardika, I. B. K. (2022). Application of organic and inorganic fertilizer against results onion plants with chillies. International Journal of Life Sciences, 6(2), 72–80.



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