Granting of several types of cash fertilizer and distribution of apical approaches to growth

results of flour plants (Capsicum frutescens L.)


  • A.A. Ngurah Mayun Wirajaya Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • Made Sri Yuliartini Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University
  • Luh Kartini Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University


Apical approaches, Capsicum frutescens L, Cash fertilizer, Distribution, Pepper plan


The objectives of this study are for the type of manure that is most appropriate for the improvement of fertility and the generation of the period of nutrients and the best time of pruning for the growth and yield of chili. This research is a Factorial experiment, with Basic. Design of Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors that tried and done in glass house lasted from July to November 2017. In the first factor type of manure from level 4: K 0 = no fertilizer, K 1 = cow manure, K2 = chicken manure laying hens, K 3 = rabbit manure. The dose of each fertilizer 20 tons ha-1. The second factor with 3 levels: P 0 = without trimming, P 1 = pruned apical shoots age 8 days after planting, P2 = pruning apical shoots age 16 days after planting. From the experiment will be obtained 12 treatment combinations and will be repeated 3 times. The interaction between several types of manure and apical trimming (K x P) was markedly significant (P <0.05) to the variable wet weight of leaves and leaf dry weight. The interaction is very important (P <0.01) against the maximum leaf number variables, wet root weight, root dry weight, and fresh fruit weight. Fresh weight of fruit obtained on interaction with manure by pruning apical part 16 days after planting (K3P2) of 47.67 g and when compared to the combination of no fertilizer and without pruning (K0P0) of 37.80 which can be increased 26, 11%.


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How to Cite

Wirajaya, A. N. M., Yuliartini, M. S., & Kartini, L. (2018). Granting of several types of cash fertilizer and distribution of apical approaches to growth: results of flour plants (Capsicum frutescens L.). International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(3), 59–65.



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