Design, construction, and energy of sustainable solar dryers in Jipijapa Canton


  • Alfredo Cecilio Zambrano Rodriguez Universidad Técnica de Manabí, FCMFQ, Career of Mechanical, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Maria Rodriguez Gamez Universidad Técnica de Manabí, FCMFQ, Career of Electrical, FCMFQ, Career of Mechanical
  • Luis Garcia Faure Universidad de Oriente, Energy efficiency center, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Coffee, Construction, Drying, Local development, Sustainable solar


Solar energy is one of the sources of renewable energy and more dispersed in the territory, this can be implemented for different energy uses for being a clean energy and that can be sustainable over time, the canton Jipijapa presents an annual radiation of 4.8 kWh/m2 day. In Cerro Grande community located in this area is located 529 meters above sea level, its inhabitants are engaged in agriculture, specifically the revival of the production of quality coffee for its taste and aroma. The drying treatment was not adequate, so their prices have dropped in the national and international market, with the aim of achieving a drying quality of this product and from knowing that the bamboo cane (Angustifolia Kunt) was a resource with good energy properties, two dryers were designed that take advantage of direct and indirect solar energy, to compare which was the most suitable for drying the coffee bean in a cleaner and simpler way. The results obtained in its design, construction and evolution determined that these types of drier can be implemented in communities that have the conditions of natural renewable resources and needs to improve the drying conditions of different agricultural products, thereby supporting the energetic and social sustainability of the populations that live in rural areas and that today are the base of the sustenance of agricultural products such as coffee, cocoa, and others.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, A. C. Z., Gamez, M. R., & Faure, L. G. (2018). Design, construction, and energy of sustainable solar dryers in Jipijapa Canton. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 2(2), 88–100.



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