Utilization of Bali traditional acoustic tools as physical repellent of bird pest on rice paddy crop



  • I Gde Antha Kasmawan Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Supartha Department of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Wijaya Department of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Indonesia


Bali traditional acoustic tools, Bird pest, Friendly environment, Local wisdom, Rice paddy crop


The purpose of this research is to identify the diversity of Bali’s traditional acoustic tools as a physical repellent of bird pest on rice paddy crop that characterizes local Balinese wisdom as well as analyze their existence and possible modification of tools. The method used is survey method through questionnaire and direct interview to farmers (age 60 years and over) in three rice paddy crop centers, namely Tabanan (6 villages), Badung (5 villages), and Gianyar (2 villages) regencies. Based on the survey of 127 respondents, 52 people from Tabanan, 42 from Badung and 33 from Gianyar, it was found that the most common types of Bali’s traditional acoustic tools used to repel bird pest by farmers, in Balinese terms, are kepuakan (91.3%), followed by pindekan (5.5%), pecut (2.4%) and kulkul (0.8%). Kepuakan is more chosen because it is considered more effective and comfortable to use to repel bird pest in rice paddy crop. According to the respondents, the most effective sequence of acoustic tools from high to low is kepuakan (80.3%), followed by pecut (10.2%), pindekan (8.7%), kulkul (0.8 and for the comfort of the use of tools, the order is kepuakan (85,8%). followed by pindekan (9.4%), kulkul (3.9%) and pecut (0.8%). All the traditional tools are the result of handicrafts Bali farmers use natural materials and are a form of the local wisdom of Balinese farmers that are certainly environmentally friendly.


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How to Cite

Kasmawan, I. G. A., Supartha, I. W., Wijaya, I. N., & Giriantari, I. A. D. (2018). Utilization of Bali traditional acoustic tools as physical repellent of bird pest on rice paddy crop. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 2(3), 51–61. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijpse.v2n3.188



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