Evolution of the concept of sustainable development and its applicability in Ecuador



  • María Giuseppina Vanga Arvelo Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Antonio Vázquez Pérez Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, España
  • María Lourdes Piñero Martín Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Barquisimeto, Venezuela
  • Edwin Roger Esteban Rivera Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, Huánuco, Perú


sustainable development, life model, sustainability models, sustainability paradigm, sustainability Ecuador


Sustainable development has become one of the most important issues related to the quality of life and the future of humanity and, although it is a term associated with the environmental area, it is closely linked to the growth of humanity evolving into more conscious beings. The main objective of this article is to review how this concept has evolved and how it is linked to the processes and uses of clean energy in favor of making use of it as a life model. The results indicate that there has been progressing in terms of government efforts, although there is still a long way to go. It is concluded the most appropriate sustainability model to follow is the one that links the social, economic, and cultural dimensions, without neglecting the participation of the actors and taking the environment as an actor that exercises and has established its rights established in the Constitution of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Arvelo, M. G. V., Pérez, A. V., Martín, M. L. P., & Rivera, E. R. E. (2022). Evolution of the concept of sustainable development and its applicability in Ecuador. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 6(1), 27–38. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijpse.v6n1.3147



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