E-testing in determining the direct and indirect effects between training, organizational culture, leadership and motivation on lecturer performance
e-testing, lecturer performance, training programs, organizational culture, participatory leadership, work motivationAbstract
Lecturers are instrumental input factors that play an essential role in higher education institutions. The problem that commonly arises is the quality of lecturers related to performance in teaching, research and service. This study aims to develop a measurement instrument and determine perceptions of the factors that can affect the performance of lecturers through the E-Testing tool. The stages of this research are the preparation of the instrument and the testing of the instrument. This study uses a quantitative approach with the variables to be studied training programs, organizational culture, participatory leadership, motivation and lecturer performance. The minimum sample size for a population of 239 is 173 (Warwick & Lininger formula). The data collection technique used is using a questionnaire. Validity test through product-moment correlation coefficient. The reliability calculation technique uses the split-half method. The data analysis used in this research is Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. This study meets the test of the validity and reliability of the instrument. The perception of lecturers as respondents to the variables of training programs, organizational culture, participatory leadership, work motivation, lecturer performance has a very good response, good, good, enough, very good.
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