The geoportal as strategy for sustainable development


  • Maria Rodriguez Gamez Teaching Researcher, Ph.D., Engineering in Electricity, FCMFQ, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo, Ecuador
  • Antonio Vazquez Perez Teaching Researcher, MsC, Industrial Engineering career, FCMFQ, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo Ecuador
  • Victor Alfonso Martinez Falcones Systems engineer, MsC, Information technology and communications management, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo Ecuador
  • Jose Javier Bravo Bazurto Systems engineer, MsC, Information technology and communications management. Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Portoviejo Ecuador


endogenous resources, geoportal, GIS, inventory, local development


Ecuador is committed to venturing into the local development model based on the adequate use of endogenous resources and human potential in the community scenario; but the lack of reliable information associated with the inventory and availability of these resources in the localities does not favor the integrated participation of local actors in the planning and management of social development. The work shows what is related to the design and proposal of a geoportal for sustainable development in the province of Manabí, Ecuador, based on a geographic information system that provides georeferenced data on inventories of indigenous resources and information related to technological variables that can be applied for its use. The multilayer technical design of the geoweb is exposed, which includes a map server capable of performing the georeferenced data service depending on the user's interest. The concept of development and its evolution up to the present moment is analyzed, exposing the development strategy received by the government in recent years and where an important space is foreseen for the realization of sustainable local development policies. The relevance of geographic information systems and geoweb is analyzed and some examples related to the proposed geoportal are exposed.


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How to Cite

Gamez, M. R., Perez, A. V., Falcones, V. A. M., & Bazurto, J. J. B. (2019). The geoportal as strategy for sustainable development. International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering, 3(1), 10–21.



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