The effect of giving betel leaf extract (piper betel l.) on the production and quality of broiler carcasses


  • Ermelia Maria F. R. Lodang Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Gusti Ayu Mayani Kristina Dewi Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Made Nuriyasa Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia


bacteria, betel leaf, broiler, digestibility, performances


This study aims to learn the effect of giving betel leaf extract (Piper Betel L.) on the production and quality of broiler carcasses. The experiment design used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and ten replicates, with two broiler aged 2 weeks. The treatments were broiler chicken given drinking water without of betel leaf extract as control (A), broiler gave 2% extract of betel leaf water through drinking water (B), and broiler gave a 4% extract of betel leaf water through drinking water (C). The variables observed in this study were performance, digestibility of nutrients, total stool bacteria. The results showed that the granting extract of betel leaf through drinking water showed no significantly different (P>0,05) on ration consumption, drinking water consumption, body weight gain, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), body initial weight, final weight, percentage carcass, percentage meat, percentage fat and skin, bone weight, meat born to, digestibility of dry matter, digestibility of protein and digestibility of energy but significant difference (P< 0.05) of carcass weight, Total Plate Count (TPC), coliform, and E.Coly.


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How to Cite

Lodang, E. M. F. R., Dewi, G. A. M. K., & Nuriyasa, I. M. (2020). The effect of giving betel leaf extract (piper betel l.) on the production and quality of broiler carcasses. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(1), 19–25.



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